Adult Therapy

Our mission is to use our vast experience as well as innovative evidence-based approaches to provide the best in therapeutic care for you and your family.

We provide the highest quality psychological care in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. We validate your frustrations, concerns, and fears while moving you toward your goals and dreams.

What Sets Clear Mind Psychology Apart?
Trauma & Adults In Transition
Adults may appear put together, but their internal emotional experience might be quite the contrary. Relationship issues & the demands of a competitive world can send any of us into a tailspin. We offer therapy for individuals, couples, and families.
Our primary romantic relationships can keep us strong or tear us down. We use proven techniques to work through ruptures and build a stronger relationship with your partner.
Adults with Substance Use
Ongoing substance use erodes relationships and can destroy families and lives. We teach healthier coping strategies to manage cravings, build relationsihps and a sense of safety and and prevent relapse.

Who We Serve

Clear Mind Psychology is located in the quaint town of Rye, NY. We treat children as young as 4 years of age, adolescents, families, couples, and adults and will see NY and CT residents in-person and virtually.

Adults in Transition

Many adults come to therapy looking for help with depression, anxiety, a relationship crisis or job dissatisfaction. They arrive with very specific uncomfortable symptoms they are looking to fix. Others experience a vague sense of unhappiness or sadness that they don’t entirely understand. They may be hoping to find or increase a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. And some adults, often those with histories of trauma, have been functioning successfully in one area of their lives, but find that other spaces – romantic relationships, self-care, eating problems or maintaining sobriety are “a mess”.

At Clear Mind we work collaboratively with you to structure the treatment and approach. This might mean utilizing CBT or DBT to reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression, or relational psychodynamic therapy to explore deep-seated conflicts and adjust long-standing relational patterns that are unsatisfying or limiting your ability to experience intimacy or set clearer boundaries.

  • We work collaboratively with you to build a comprehensive treatment paradigm that addresses your needs and symptoms.
  • We utilize CBT and DBT to efficiently and sensitively address the most common symptoms people are hoping to relieve.
  • We are well trained in psychodynamic approaches for people looking to enrich their lives with a deeper understanding of their conflicts, motives and relationships.

Many adults with histories of trauma have been functioning successfully in one area of their lives, but find that other spaces – romantic relationships, self-care, eating problems or maintaining sobriety, are “a mess”. They feel disconnected from, and even at war with, their own bodies as they get hijacked by old physical and emotional memories.

Through compassionate guidance and evidence-based techniques, our therapists help unravel the tangled emotions and memories that haunt the mind and body. Together, we forge a safe space to confront the past, fostering healing and resilience. Each session becomes a journey of discovery, where understanding replaces confusion, and hope and calmness restore a body previously ruled by fear and pain. Therapy for trauma is not just about surviving; it’s about reclaiming joy and rebuilding a future filled with possibility.

  • Heal trauma with somatic techniques to calm your body and mind, and Internal Family Systems to understand your relationships to your self and important others.
  • We use techniques like CBT or EMDR to address specific symptoms such as anxiety, flashbacks, or avoidance behaviors.
  • Clients learn to challenge and reframe negative thought patterns that stem from the trauma. Therapy fosters resilience and agency by empowering individuals to regain a sense of control over their lives and reactions.
  • We provide a secure environment to process and understand traumatic experiences without judgment or pressure.

Couples therapy provides a dedicated space where partners can navigate challenges, enhance communication, and deepen their connection. Guided by a skilled therapist, couples explore their dynamics, uncover underlying issues, and learn effective tools to resolve conflicts constructively. Through open dialogue and structured sessions, therapy helps couples rebuild trust, rediscover intimacy, and strengthen their bond. Whether addressing specific concerns or aiming to foster long-term relationship health, couples therapy empowers partners to work together towards a more fulfilling and resilient partnership.

  • Therapy helps uncover and address underlying issues that may be affecting the relationship dynamics.
  • Couples Therapy provides a framework for rebuilding trust and repairing relationship ruptures.
  • Our clinicians utilize Emotion Focused Therapy, Relational Psychodynamic approaches and the Gottman Method to help partners in crisis.
  • Couples learn strategies to enhance emotional and physical intimacy, reigniting closeness and connection.
Adults with Substance Use

Overcoming substance use involves more than just breaking a physical dependence—it requires addressing the emotional and psychological factors that contribute to addiction. Psychological therapy plays a crucial role in an integrated, holistic recovery. Through various evidence-based therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Motivational Interviewing (MI), individuals gain insight into their behaviors, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and build a supportive framework for sustained recovery. These therapeutic interventions not only help manage cravings and prevent relapse but also address underlying issues like trauma, anxiety, and depression, paving the way for a healthier, more fulfilling life.

  • Comprehensive Approach: Addresses both physical dependence and underlying emotional and psychological factors.
  • Coping Mechanisms: Develop healthier strategies to manage cravings and stress.
  • Relapse Prevention: Equip individuals with tools to prevent relapse.
  • Addressing Underlying Issues: Tackle related issues such as trauma, anxiety, and depression.
  • Supportive Framework: Build a network for sustained recovery and a fulfilling life.

“Working with Dr. Cooper and Dr. Chittenden is a pleasure. They collaborate well with me as a psychiatrist and work with a variety of different patients and get results.”

Westchester, New York