Consultation Services

Resolve painful learning experiences by fine tuning an accurate assessment of your child's unique diagnosis and challenges.

Before coming to Clear Mind Psychology, many families have endured years of confusion about their children’s struggles. Often, children have been misdiagnosed. At Clear Mind, we believe that an effective plan begins with a comprehensive understanding of each child’s symptoms, their overall well being/lifestyle, and the environments they inhabit.

What Sets Clear Mind Psychology Apart?
We will gather as much information as possible about your child's strengths and struggles. We will conduct a thorough intake that assesses your child's day to day obstacles and potential long term challenges with meaningful solutions in mind.
Vetting Good Professionals
We have interviewed Tutors, Executive Functioning Professionals, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapist so you are not looking for a needle in a haystack in terms of the best people to implement the plan.
Comprehensive Plan
We will collaborate with you, your child's school, and other professionals to implement an optimal plan that will help you and your child feel more secure about their academic, emotional, and social growth.

Our school and therapeutic consultation includes:

  • Review of records such as any test results, report cards and neuropsychological reports
  • Meeting with parents and child
  • School observation, if necessary
  • Consultations with all professionals involved in your child’s care such as therapists and educators
  • A meeting to discuss feedback and recommendations for next steps
  • A list of appropriate accommodations to bring to your local school district
  • Monitoring progress and providing ongoing recommendations
  • Referrals for intervention providers
  • Coordinating and leading team conversations with therapists and educators

Who We Serve

Families with children ages 5 through 12 who have been struggling to find the right balance of support and stimulation at school are often confused and concerned. Often, children have been misunderstood, misdiagnosed or under treated. We help parents of children with learning challenges, twice exceptional children, children on the autistic spectrum or children who are just not able to take in all that their academic environment has to offer. Children don’t want to fail in school. There is usually a good reason that they are not functioning well academically. We help families decipher what is going on.

Children Ages 5-12

Getting to know you and your child and a thorough review of all pertinent information about your child helps us assess whether your child’s current interventions are optimal. We review 504/IEP plans, attend CSE meetings and walk parents through the journey of seeking accommodations from your school district or independent school. Your Clear Mind Consultation Team will include a therapist and a learning specialist. Our goal is to give you insight into your child’s unique learning and emotional profile. In addition to helping you work with your school system, we will refer you to professionals such as tutors, occupational therapists, speech and language specialists, and extra-curricular activities that will support your child’s growth.

What We Offer

What’s Included:
  • Review all records including school reports and neuropsychological testing results.
  • Conversations with educational and therapeutic professionals.
  • Meeting with parents and child (two meetings).
  • A meeting to review feedback and recommendations for next steps.
  • A list of appropriate accommodations.
  • Check in Meeting to monitor progress.
Other Ways We Provide Support:
  • Referral and vetting for Intervention Providers.
  • Attending CSE or 504 Meetings with School Districts or Independent Schools.
  • Home or school visits.
  • Coordinating and leading team meetings with other professionals.