Reproductive Mental Health Services
We support women, female-identified individuals, birthing persons, and their families through all parts of the reproductive journey.
At Clear Mind Psychology, we understand the challenges that come along with the journey to parenthood. From infertility and pregnancy, to the birth process and beyond, our therapists are here to support you. We offer remote sessions, in-person therapy, as well as a newly added concierge program where we bring our services to you.

Who We Serve
Our reproductive mental health specialists treat individuals and their families struggling with fertility, pregnancy and parenthood. These transitions can be difficult, physically and emotionally and we are here for you. We offer a safe space, allowing you to acknowledge the challenges, while helping you gain confidence and learn better coping strategies as you embody your new roles.

When you are trying to conceive and going through fertility treatment it is fair to say that your emotions and body are going through a whirlwind of changes. Many couples have intense feelings associated with not being able to get pregnant. This can often cause feelings of isolation, inadequacy and envy. The process can take a toll on your relationships. The emotional ups and downs and daily sensitivities are often compounded by the physical changes in your body as a result of medical interventions. If you are taking fertility medications, many of your hormone levels are probably out-of-whack. At Clear Mind Psychology, our reproductive mental health professionals are trained to help individuals and couples navigate the stressful process of fertility treatment and will stay with you from the contemplation of parenthood through the joys and challenges of having a baby, no matter what your reproductive journey looks like.

Pregnancy Loss
Pregnancy loss if one of the most painful and emotionally complicated experiences. If you experience a first-trimester miscarriage, your hormones will likely be shifting back to how they were before the pregnancy. The further along you were in your pregnancy, the more likely that your body was preparing for a new baby and all the necessary changes that go with it.
You may experience physical symptoms from hormonal changes and emotional distress. When you have lost a pregnancy prematurely, it is not unusual to be fatigued, have trouble sleeping, ruminating over the loss of the pregnancy, loss of appetite, wheezing frequently, and lactating.
You and your partner might grieve differently and there is no right way to grieve. It is a fallacy that grief takes a particular course for everyone. You loved your baby, even without knowing them, and it is understandable that you are feeling the way you are. Try to gather as much self acceptance as you can and let others know when you need help.
At Clear Mind Psychology, our reproductive mental health specialists will give you space to grieve and help usher you through this dark and overwhelming point in your life. Feelings of numbness, isolation, guilt, anger are all potential reactions to having a miscarriage. You also might react by avoiding social situations, fixating on the loss, and blaming yourself or others. If symptoms persist for more than two weeks , please speak with a medical professional.

Even if you have not been diagnosed with a mental health disorder prior to pregnancy, it is not uncommon to have psychological distress or for new symptoms to arise after the birth of your child. You are not alone. According to the CDC, about 15.6% of women experience mental health concerns during pregnancy and 19.6% do so after giving birth. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggested that about 20% of new mothers in developing countries develop symptoms related to clinical depression.
Our perinatal and prenatal mental health specialists are trained to identify and treat postpartum depression, anxiety, panic disorder, OCD, PTSD, bipolar disorders and psychosis. Specialists are also certified in evidence-based treatment models for mental health concerns associated with pregnancy and postpartum. It is optimal if new parents can get out of the house for sessions in person, but our specialists will also come to your home. We feel that mental health treatment is necessary even if you are not ready to venture out of the home or if your body is not recovering according to plan or your baby is fussy or breastfeeding is a challenge. So, we will come to you, if appropriate.